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Engagelogic Corporation

Launch a fast loading website that delights visitors, persuades prospects, and wins customers.

Your website often makes your company’s first impression. It's a digital introduction to your brand and the products or solutions you offer.Google Pagespeed Insights Score, 100 Fast page loading times and impactful content are both key to making that impression a positive one but striking a balance between the two can be challenging. We bring a forward-thinking content management system, experience and execution together to craft beautiful, fast loading experiences for web and mobile. We're here to discuss your plans and evaluate your needs. First impressions matter. Let's talk.


Are you looking below the surface?

Everyone wants a beautiful-looking website. But aesthetic design while important is just the most visible aspect of what you should be looking at. Many of the most crucial components that make a website great lie hidden beneath the surface. If not considered, these factors can sink your chances of realizing the full potential of your efforts. Let us help you dive deeper into what's important.


7 reasons to consider an Engagelogic-crafted website.

Original thinking, collaboration, and informed creativity are central to the design process.

We're curious. We want to understand everything about your business, brand and customers. We'll immerse ourselves in your culture, community, needs and ambition. We'll unleash new perspectives and fresh thinking about your products, markets, challenges and competitors. We'll join forces with you and work as one. Together we'll establish goals and collaborate in an iterative process of design, development and ongoing optimization.

Performance is a foundational aspect of a great user experience and a healthy bottom line.

Sites have more features, third-party plugins and code than ever before. So much so, that many sites struggle to achieve a high level of performance across a variety of network conditions and devices. People will only tolerate a slow website for so long before leaving. Page speed impacts SEO, engagement, conversion levels, and sales. We stay up to date with performance best practices and optimize the platform, code and content to ensure pages load fast.

Security first, not an afterthought.

Security in today’s threat landscape is critical. With engineering, security assessments, policies governing the use and distribution of source code, IT technology, support, and related protection services, we help you with the full security continuum.

Designed for a time-strapped mktg dept.

Our content management system is designed for simplicity, speed, and clarity. Developed in-house, the fully-tested platform is security hardened, GDPR compliant, customizable and cost effective, bridging the gap between open source and proprietary solutions.

Thoughtful customer service.

We want you to have a great experience working with us and our software. We learn your wants and needs, provide day-to-day guidance, help you get the most out of your website, and respond quickly when an issue needs to be resolved.

There’s always a better way, we make it our business to look for it.
Trends and practices change rapidly. We not only respond to change but also steadily add value. Progressive enhancement by adopting new standards while being attentive to best practices both contribute to the quality and longevity of an Engagelogic-crafted website.
Established 2005; made in the USA.

We place a strong emphasis on craft in every detail from strategy to design to code. The Engagelogic team has built and managed SaaS platforms that thousands of businesses use and millions of people engage with. Based in New York, Engagelogic is privately held.



Nobody likes a slow website; let's have a look at yours. Audit Results
From negative brand perception to thousands of dollars in lost sales, the consequences of a slow website are serious. If you want to know more about your website's performance, apply for a free audit. If you qualify, we'll analyze your website using a variety of tools and identify issues that impact performance, accessibility, user experience, security, and SEO. We'll then explain the results, allowing you to turn insights into action.

In-house Ventures

We build our own in-house ventures to test strategies and evaluate outcomes. These ventures serve as innovation labs where by using software just as a client would, we can proactively validate and improve the solutions we offer.



Engagelogic has worked with a variety of established companies across functions, across industries, and across the world. As a client, your company will enjoy the benefits of dedicated and focused attention that only a boutique digital agency can offer.


We invent.

Before there were smartphones or iOS or Android, before WordPress or Facebook or Twitter, there was our technology. And that technology helped fuel a revolution. These innovations are protected by a portfolio of patents.

Read more about our innovations.